
Mirror on the Veil: A Collection of Personal Essays on Hijab and Veiling

Read my short narrative in this anthology of essays about Muslim women who choose to observe their faith. It uncovers some of the assumptions and stereotypes about Muslim women.

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Muslim Holidays

Many Muslim-majority countries have diverse cultural holidays; however, there are only two major holidays that all Muslims celebrate. Each is celebrated at the end of an Islamic ritual.

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Making Classrooms More Inclusive for Muslim Students

Educators have a tremendous responsibility in ensuring all students are safe from maliciousness and hate. In our current climate there is a disturbing trend of Islamophobia that may not be addressed in schools. The rise and spread of Islamophobia are generating a different landscape for Muslim children growing up today. Anti-Muslim rhetoric and attitudes are dangerous in schools. Students are often made to feel unwelcome by constantly being asked where they are from or being complimented on their well-spoken English or young being labeled as terrorists.

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American Muslim students need understanding and support

Imagine if you were a Muslim student in your school. What would it be like for you in this time of Islamophobia? As an educator, ask yourself what you know about the Muslim students in your school and district, and what you can do to alleviate the situation to make all students comfortable and ready to learn.

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The Sights and Sounds of Equitable Practices

Produced by Association of Supervision for Curriculum Development (ASCD). This video captures an interview segment and leading a staff in a Diversity training on Equitable Practices classroom practices session. It is a tool to help staff think about their teaching practices when building relationship and engaging students, especially those underserved.